Lose Weight the
Creators Way

If you believe in a Creator, a Higher Power, like we do, then it’s time to take back your health and restore your diet to the time of Creation! Our "Missing Link" formula found in Elohivim makes it possible.

Take the first step and get started now with your FREE Weight-Loss Analysis. It’s safe and secure. Your information is private and will only be used for your analysis.

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Discover the Science of Losing Weight the Natural Way

The scientific study of human nutrition has proven what some have believed all along -- our perfect foods were created right along with us. If you believe in a Creator, a Higher-Power, like we do, then you will find nature provides exactly what your body needs to be healthy. So why do so many of us struggle with excess weight?

So why do so many of us struggle with excess weight?

Break Free from Food Addictions

You’re overweight. You’re tired. You’ve tried every diet; nothing works. You’re ready to give up.

It’s easy to understand why you feel this way. But it’s not entirely your fault. You’ve been exposed to an onslaught of toxic, heavily processed foods. These products are chemically engineered to be addictive, driving obesity and disease. It’s no wonder you’re always hungry!

The high-fat, nutritionally bankrupt food you crave are manmade poisons that enslave you. But here’s the good news. You can break free from those heavy chains keeping you from living your best life.

You are not alone!

With hundreds of diets out there, and so much conflicting information about food, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The once-simple act of eating has never seemed more complicated. With over 40% of Americans overweight and suffering from a poor diet, obesity is the leading cause of death. We’re clearly moving in the wrong direction – away from nature, away from our Creator.

Creators Bounty is different. With spiritual, historical and scientific truths at its core, it promotes a healthier lifestyle according to our Creator's design. If you want to be healthy and respect your body, there is only one way – the Creator’s way.

Use Scientific Discovery and Ancient Truths to Make Gradual, Positive Changes

In the beginning, there was creation. Then came nature, our natural world and finally, human beings. Throughout the last half-century, humans have made astonishing changes to the foods we consume. Unfortunately, most of those changes haven’t been positive.

Instead, we’re eating highly processed foods that contain excessive sugar, salt and chemicals. And we’re seeing the terrible results. We’re overweight, over-tired, and overwhelmed about our situation.

Yet the answer is so simple. The science of nutrition has proven the best form of nutrition is as close to nature as possible – as we were created.

It’s time to liberate yourself from addiction and live your purpose. You deserve a healthful and joyful existence. You are blessed to live in a land of abundance with nutritious, tasty foods that were created to satisfy you. 

Use the natural resources available to make positive changes for you and your family. When you gradually modify your habits to reflect creation, your true self will emerge. The excess pounds will come off as you become the person you were created to be.

A Supplement to Fill the Gap

Elohivim is a scientifically developed supplement you take with meals.

It contains a proprietary blend of nutrients that can make a significant difference in your weight loss journey by helping to curb your appetite, decrease your desire for sweets and other diet-derailing foods, and fill nutritional gaps left by modern foods.

Why Elohivim Works

In today’s world, most of the bitterness has been farmed out of our fruits and vegetables to make them more palatable to the average consumer. On the surface, that sounds fine. Most people gladly choose something that tastes sweet over something that’s bitter. But when you remove the bitter taste from most herbs and vegetables, you also lose the many nutrients they provide for our body.

Think "Workout" Pill for Your Gut!
Just like everything else, your gut gets lazy and craves those easy-to-digest foods, driving your hunger, your cravings and feeding your food addictions. Elohivim breaks-up that cycle and makes your gut work hard again. And the harder it works on the good-stuff, the healthier the rest of your body becomes.

Elohivim Supports Permanent Weight Loss

Bitter nutrients contribute to gut health, and gut health is the foundation of overall health. More specifically, bitter nutrients stimulate the production of gastric acid, enzymes and bile in the stomach to support digestion. The better your food is digested, the more nutrients you will absorb.

There’s evidence too, to show that bitter greens reduce food cravings and over-eating. They balance your taste buds and help you to control your sweet tooth. And that’s not all!

Bitter roots and veggies contain fiber to help sweep wastes through the digestive tract and support natural detoxification pathways in the liver. They’re also known to boost metabolism, promoting healthy glucose levels and preventing insulin spikes that lead to fat storage and increased appetite.

Finally, recent studies have shown that bitter foods can also fight free radicals in the body, helping to prevent chronic health problems such as cardiovascular and inflammatory disease, cataracts and cancer.

Reshape Your Lifestyle 

If you’ve struggled with your weight for years, Creators Bounty offers a fresh approach. It’s about developing healthy, balanced and sustainable eating habits that work for you.

No processed food

No crazy eating schedules

No challenging food preparations

The best diet is one that doesn’t feel like a diet. Creators Bounty mirrors the original lifestyle, both ancient and modern at the same time.  It’s simple. And that’s why it works. No processed foods. No crazy eating schedules. No challenging food preparation.

The energy you’ll feel will motivate you to become more active. And your Creators Bounty personal coach is there to support you every step of the way.

A diet won’t give you the permanent results you seek; redesigning your lifestyle will. If you’re ready to begin a successful weight loss journey that offers simplicity and a return to natural goodness – the way our Creator intended – we’re here to help.

Safe, Effective Ingredients

Elohivim is an infusion created from predominantly bitter ingredients that fill the nutritional gaps left by modern foods. It’s made with only natural elements bestowed to us by our Creator, including herbs, roots, bark, fruit, seeds and flowers. In addition to providing numerous nutritional benefits, they augment the positive impact of your weight loss efforts.

Elohivim is manufactured in the U.S. and contains only the highest quality ingredients including:

L-Theanine is a non-protein amino acid that acts as a fat burner and prevents inflammation in the gut.

Burdock is an antioxidant, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory that helps reduce body fat and positively impacts sex hormones in older women.

Dandelion root is a powerful antioxidant that helps with blood sugar management and can decrease inflammation.

Chicory acts as a prebiotic that promotes digestive health and improves sugar control.

Bitter orange increases metabolic rate and energy expenditure, both of which aid in weight loss.

Gentian root keeps you feeling full longer and can also treat indigestion, heartburn and constipation.

White horehound aids with bloating, gas and diarrhea as well as helps with lung and breathing problems.

We produce the formulas for Elohivim from plant-to-bottle in our FDA-registered and -inspected facility. Every batch is tested to FDA cGMP standards to verify quality, purity and composition.

There’s Beauty in Simplicity, You Got This!

If you believe in a Creator, a Higher Power, like we do, then you will find nature provides exactly what your body needs to be healthy. Stop counting calories, starving yourself on fad diets, and struggling with your eating habits. Don’t spend another day wondering how to get healthy and feel good about yourself.

You can live a healthier, happier lifestyle, according to our Creator’s design. Take the first step on your weight loss journey today.

Start Your Free Weight-Loss Analysis

Get Started Now

See if Creators Bounty is right for you. It’s easy to get started.

  • 1 Just take our free Weight-Loss Analysis. That’s the first step on your weight-loss journey.
  • 2 Then, using your responses, let us create your customized meal plan and provide you with Elohivim for your first month.
  • 3 Don’t put off getting healthy another day. The best time to get started was years ago.

But the second best time is NOW.
You’ve got this!

Get Your Free Weight-Loss Analysis